Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The enormous net worth of the US private sector

This post extends a series of similar posts I've made over the past 15 years. It highlights the net worth of the U.S. private sector: the net value of assets and liabilities of individuals and non-profit organizations.  As of June '24, the total net worth of the U.S. private sector was $164 trillion, and the net worth of the average person living in the U.S. was almost half a million dollars. 

Does the proliferation of billionaires distort the picture? Not much. According to Forbes, at last count the U.S. had 2,800 billionaires, whose net worth totaled in the range of $17-20 trillion. The net worth of the Forbes Top 400 billionaires totaled $5.4 trillion. If we exclude all billionaires from the total, the net worth of the average American would be about $425K, which is still pretty impressive.

Chart #1

As Chart #1 shows, private sector net worth has increased by 167% over the past 20 years, and now stands at $164 trillion. The biggest gains have come from financial assets (stocks, bonds, and savings accounts), which have increased 149%. Real estate assets have increased 144%, while liabilities have increased a mere 44%. The federal government is heavily indebted, but not so the private sector! 

Chart #2

Chart #2 shows the real, inflation-adjusted value of private sector net worth. Net worth peaked at 166.7 trillion in December '21, and has since declined to $164 trillion. The rather spectacular gains of the stock market and housing in recent years have been diluted by inflation. Still, real net worth is still on a rising path, averaging gains of about 3.6% per year.

Chart #3

Chart #3 divides real net worth in Chart #2 by the U.S. population (about 342 million). Real per capital net worth peaked at $509,500 in 12/21, and fell to $481,000 through June of this year, due to the effects of inflation and an increasing population. Still, it has risen on average by about 2.4% per year. If this continues, by 2054 the average American will be worth $1 million in today's dollars

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