This chart shows that the concept has finally caught on. Swap spreads started declining in October, but now all spreads are declining, and yields are declining as well. Yields on high-yield (junk) bonds have dropped significantly in the past few weeks, producing handsome returns for holders of the bonds. Investment grade bond yields have also declined impressively.
This is, I think, a good example of the kind of improvement we can expect to see in the equity market before too long. VERY bullish.
Full disclosure: I am long high yield bonds and stocks (HYG and IVV) at the time of this writing.
Happy New Year Scott. Big fan of the blog, rational voices of reason are increasingly hard to come by. Hugely encouraging price action in US high yield over past couple of weeks, saw HW00 (ML index) over 100 tighter now month to date. Lets hope it continues into the New Year.
Thanks, and may it be a good one for you too. The HY action is indeed very exciting. We could be in for some wild action soon.
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