Friday, January 10, 2025

Tariff fears trump modest jobs growth

Today's December private sector jobs report beat expectations (223K vs. 140K) and that supposedly triggered a sharp, negative response from the bond market. Interest rates are now priced to only one more cut in the Federal funds rate for the rest of this year. As a result, in the past few months short-term interest rates have jumped by almost one percentage point, 10-yr Treasury yields have jumped by more than one percentage point, and 30-yr mortgage rates have risen to almost 7%. 

But the perceived health of the jobs market wasn't the only thing that rattled the bond market today. Another contributing factor was the Fed's fear (shared by the market) that Trump's threatened tariffs would boost inflation, as revealed in the minutes of the last FOMC meeting. From mid-August, when Trump's probability of winning the election bottomed, 5-yr average inflation expectations have jumped from 1.87% to 2.54%. In any event, it remains the case that inflation is not caused by a stronger jobs market or stronger economic growth: growth has soundly beat expectations in recent years even as inflation has declined significantly.
Whatever the cause, higher rates and higher inflation expectations effectively put the kibosh on hopes for lower mortgage rates, and thus will likely worsen the prolonged period of historically weak home sales, housing starts, and new mortgage applications which began over two years ago. Sadly, it will add insult to the injury of many thousands of displaced Los Angeles area residents seeking to rebuild or replace homes lost to multiple fires.

As I see it, the rationale for today's sharply higher rates and slumping stock market has weak underpinnings: the mistaken belief that tariffs will boost inflation and thus require tighter-than-expected Fed monetary policy. 

Chart #1

Chart #1 shows the monthly change in private sector payrolls over the past 3 years. Note how volatile this statistic is on a month-to-month basis; that anyone—especially the Fed—would use just one month's number as a basis for important long-term policy decisions strains credulity. But that's what happens every now then, with today being a prime example. 

Chart #2

Chart #2 uses a more realistic approach to interpreting the state of the jobs market, by focusing on percentage changes in jobs over 6- and 12-month periods. By either measure there has been a dramatic slowdown in jobs growth in recent years. At best, jobs currently might be growing at a 1.3% annual rate, which is marginally lower than the 1.4% annualized rate that has prevailed over the past 30 years (a period that includes three recessions). Current jobs growth is moderate at best.

Chart #3

Chart #10 shows the level of 10-yr Treasury yields, which is the benchmark for all long-term interest rates (including fixed-rate mortgages). Simply put, interest rates have exploded higher in recent years. Only abundant liquidity has kept this from tanking the markets and the economy. (For a longer explanation, see this post from last November.)

Chart #4

Chart #4 compares the level of fixed rate mortgages to an index of new mortgage applications (as opposed to mortgage refinancings). The plunge in new applications reflects a similar plunge in new home sales and housing starts. In effect, sharply higher rates have crushed the housing market. 

Chart #5

Chart #5 compares the level of real yields on 5-yr TIPS to an index of the dollar's strength vis a vis other major currencies. Rising real yields are an excellent measure of how tight monetary policy is. Not surprisingly, tight money and high real yields have significantly boosted the dollar's appeal. A strong dollar positively impacts our purchasing power while also keeping imported goods prices low; indeed, a strong dollar is an excellent defense against inflation, especially when accompanied by tight monetary policy. 

Chart #6

As I mentioned in my last post, a strong dollar puts downward pressure on commodity prices. Indeed, industrial commodity prices have declined in both real and nominal terms over the past two years, as shown in Chart #6, thanks to a strong dollar.

Monetary policy is tight and has become tighter of late, as the market and the Fed worry about the presumably inflationary impact of Trump's tariffs that have yet to be imposed. It makes much more sense to believe that Trump's promises to significantly lower tax and regulatory burdens will deliver stronger growth with low inflation.


Norton II said...

The rise in long term rates is puzzling - Could it be less about tariff fears and more about QT and China divesting of US debt?

Scott Grannis said...

In my experience, I have come to believe that interest rates on Treasuries are primarily determined not by supply and demand (i.e., deficits, or the trading of those who invest in Treasury debt) but by macroeconomic variables such as inflation and the expected stance of monetary policy. After all, Treasury yields form the backbone of all yields everywhere. A rise in long-term Treasury yields thus affects the pricing of nearly all asset classes. Whether China buys or sells even as much as trillions of dollars of Treasuries is not as important as the rate of inflation and expected inflation, which in turn affect the pricing of all assets (e.g., bonds, stocks, currencies, goods).

Salmo Trutta said...

The FED's not tight. Inflation will gradually rise until September

Salmo Trutta said...

Rate-of-change in our means-of-payment money
Inflation peaks in the 4th quarter of 2025:
08/1/2024 ,,,, 0.009
09/1/2024 ,,,, 0.029
10/1/2024 ,,,, 0.041
11/1/2024 ,,,, 0.055
12/1/2024 ,,,, 0.047
01/1/2025 ,,,, 0.064
02/1/2025 ,,,, 0.067
03/1/2025 ,,,, 0.057
04/1/2025 ,,,, 0.077
05/1/2025 ,,,, 0.081
06/1/2025 ,,,, 0.088
07/1/2025 ,,,, 0.086
08/1/2025 ,,,, 0.095
09/1/2025 ,,,, 0.098 peak
10/1/2025 ,,,, 0.092
11/1/2025 ,,,, 0.093
12/1/2025 ,,,, 0.070
Inflation is already baked in.

duongquy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
duongquy said...

@salmo trutta Rate-of-change in means-of-paymaent moneny = Rate-of-change in N-GDP.

Richard H. said...

"Rising real yields are an excellent measure of how tight monetary policy is" OR how strong the economy is, OR expectations of inflation in the future. The latter makes more sense to me. I agree with Salmo.

Salmo Trutta said...

@fuongquy No, just a time series for money.

Benjamin Cole said...

Even if Trump tariffs are applied, that would result in a one-time upward swing in prices, not genera inflation---and that's a maybe. It depends on how much importers (to the US) eat the tariffs. The elasticity of supply and demand.

The big numbers say China ate the earlier Trump tariffs.

wkevinw said...

Benjamin Cole: "The big numbers say China ate the earlier Trump tariffs. "

I saw two studies (sorry I don't have the links). One said the tariffs between 2017-2021 added about 0.2%/year of CPI inflation, the other said that ~70% was eaten by the importing country/countries.

Roy said...

In 2024, China's trade surplus has reached one TRILLION dollars. The graph is almost at a 45% degrees upwards, where just over 20 years ago the surplus was far closer to 0.

Salmo Trutta said...

GDPnow Latest estimate: 3.2 percent — January 28, 2025. Markets don't decline with this level of growth.

Scholar87 said...

Hope all is well. Always appreciate your insight. Mark Mobius who was with Franklin Templeton for years had a blog post about changes in Argentina. I thought you might enjoy.

wkevinw said...

Off topic - the "real" economy in Europe- choosing mediocrity or even poverty

From 2024, but the trend continues...

Steveel said...

Scott with a jump in interest rates higher for longer after the jobs report do you see a mild correction coming soon?

Don Harrison said...

Scott, This has been your longest gap between posts for quite some time. Is everything alright?

Bill Snarf said...

Ditto that. Your insight is invaluable and cuts out the noise. This week we saw concerning data confirming a setup for lower gdp and lower inflation. The markets sell-off to me was more on taking profits and not on how the economy is slipping while valuations are high. IMO the fed needs to cut asap

minnesota nice said...

Does anyone have any connection to Scott?

Don Harrison said...

Minnesota Nice, I don't, but I'm probably concerned about the same thing you are: if he's ok, since he hasn't posted in 6 weeks.

Crusrdug said...

I was thinking this same thing last night. I have a feeling Scott is close to being done. I truly hope all is ok with him as well.

Crusrdug said...

Done as in blogging lol. I’ve been reading him since probably the financial crisis! Changed the way I see things for sure. Maybe he can give us a recommendation to someone more active. Again, hope he is ok and just bored blogging.

Ataraxia said...

Hope all's well Scott. Long time reader missing your observations.

Roy said...

Scott is probably in Argentina having lunch with Milei...

The Smoky Mountain Hiker said...

Roy - hope you're right! Scott is my number one source for economic analysis..

Scott Grannis said...

I apologize for the prolonged absence. Excuses include some minor health issues and two weeks of skiing in Park City. But primarily it's due to a sort of writer's block. The blizzard of Trump pronouncements (mostly great) coupled with nagging signs of economic weakness have mazde it difficult to put together a coherent post with worthwhile insights into the future. I continue to struggle.

Rob said...

Very good to hear from you Scott. Even in this "excuse" comment you manage to give us useful info !

Don Harrison said...

Good to hear you are still upright and taking nourishment. (: Any thoughts of yours -- even if they are a little uncertain -- are always appreciated. Especially on the inflation and interest rate situation.

Downtown Adam Brown said...

Scott some of my favorite posts of yours are when you admittedly don't have a narrative/"coherent post" and just update a smattering of charts. Wall of worry, M2, money demand, spreads, inflation with/without the delay due to housing prices, just to name a few that I would love to see again.

You're like freaking Michael Jordan dude. Better than everyone else even on your bad days. Dump that data. Clear the decks. Make a post!

wkevinw said...

Mr. Grannis- thanks for all you do. Glad to hear you are doing fine.

Hal Tearse said...

Scott We all share your frustration with what’s happening in Washington DC Like those above I’ve come to learn a lot from your posts and it is invaluable information. I think it is a parent to all of us that the post World War II structures are starting to fray a number of years ago as technology continued to globalize business and economies. We likely needed some changes, but a little more moderation might have been a better choice but time will tell. I look forward to your next posts.

Duncan said...

HI Scott, I'll echo the other comments saying your insights are truly valuable to your lucky readers. Thanks and hope to hear from you again soon.

Christophe said...

Scott, I agree with Adam Brown. You are the freaking Michael Jordon of economist. I have been following you for 10+ years. Nearly every single one of your posts have helped me. Like Adam said, a post from you showing why it is difficult to see economic coherence in the data is probably as valuable, maybe even more, than when you see clarity/coherence in the data. Thanks for all you do Scott!