Friday, October 28, 2016

Can we have a Mulligan?

I think it's time we all realized that the only solution to our presidential election problem is to agree to give ourselves a mulligan. Let's just start this whole thing over from scratch.


steve said...

AMEN to that, brother! The left got who they expected to get but the GOP? It sickens me when I think that this is the the representative of the party I have supported wholeheartedly for 40 years. What the hell?

Houston Advisor said...

This shit show is just a reflection of how much the system needs a reboot with new guard rails.

Johnny Bee Dawg said...

Just elect the non-criminal who also has the better economic plan, and get on with it.
Drain the Swamp, and Make America Great Again.
That whole city is one big disease.

PerformanceSpeaksForItself said...

Call your congressman and senators. They may be able to postpone a month or two.

Grechster said...

It isn't merely this presidential election, although the election certainly has brought the country's deep problems into stark relief for the common man. But it's my opinion that the Republic fell many years in the past. This latest months-long miscarriage of justice - the FBI fiasco just supports that point.

Frozen in the North said...

You get the electoral system you deserve. Maybe Clinton is no gift, but Trump is a... well I just don't know what to say about Trump. The election have not been about policy because they never are, they are about character.

Benjamin Cole said...

A Mulligan? Maybe...we can.load it up again. The results might be worse next time.

Ben Carson? Sanders? Ted Cruz makes Nixon look refreshingly uncalulating.

Read Mancur Olson.

We need iconoclasts. In that respect Trump was appealing. He just seems to lack gravitas. The way a helium balloon does.

Ian said...

You're losing your mind, Mr. Grannis. It will all be over soon.

Benjamin Cole said...

A Mulligan? Maybe...we can.load it up again. The results might be worse next time.

Ben Carson? Sanders? Ted Cruz makes Nixon look refreshingly uncalulating.

Read Mancur Olson.

We need iconoclasts. In that respect Trump was appealing. He just seems to lack gravitas. The way a helium balloon does.

randy said...

Re Mulligan - I was thinking similar. Let's have a referendum proposing that we drop Clinton and Trump, replacing them with Kaine and Pence as the President choices. I would gladly accept that. I think the majority of voters would too.

steve said...

Randy, right on. AND Pence would crush Kaine!

steve said...

Scott, off the subject but good piece that I would appreciate your input on.

The Cliff Claven of Finance said...

To Steve:

The Real Clear Markets article you cited is excellent.

The current debt/credit bubble will collapse.

They all do.

randy said...

Steve - compelling charts in that article! The question of whether 1% growth is the new normal would seem to be the key. Scott points to taxes and regulation as the main drag. I have no expertise and figure him to be right, but also suspect gains in productivity (and then GDP) are less viable in a service / consumer driven economy.

Scott Grannis said...

Re real per capita net worth. I've been posting on this issue regularly for years. See my most recent post:

According to my trend line, we are not necessarily in a bubble. In any event, I don't subscribe to the "1% growth is the new normal." I think the economy has lots of upside potential, which could be realized with better fiscal policy (e.g., lower tax and regulatory burdens).

steve said...

" In any event, I don't subscribe to the "1% growth is the new normal." I think the economy has lots of upside potential, which could be realized with better fiscal policy (e.g., lower tax and regulatory burdens)."

Agreed, BUT with a Hillary presidency this is literally an impossibility and therefore the veracity of the "bubble" argument gains more cogency.

amritsari said...

Democrats are ok with Hillary. Sort of. At least she espouses some of the principals they believe in (health care, taxes etc). She is just not the best messenger.

Trump - well thats another story. That is what the republicans get for coddling the crazy wing for years and years and years, especially under Obama. How does it feel to be a republican and find out that 40% of the base doesn't really care about taxes and trade ? Just bat shit crazy racist xenophobes. It took Trump to reveal them. The rest of us knew it for a while.

Allan said...

Can we have a Mulligan? Not a chance. This is the best thing to happen in years. We finally get to expose the rampant corruption of the Clinton Crime family, the disgraceful collusion of the declining MSM, and widespread election manipulation.

Trump is a hero, putting everything on the line save us from the NWO schemes to destroy American sovereignty through open trade and open borders. Crazy Hillary will keep pushing for another, bigger war to please her NWO order masters and slake her thirst for absolute power.

It's a very large swamp!

Ralf Graute said...

I am actually beginning to enjoy the election. Gloves are off and finally people talk about the issues the US faces. Trump has a good plan and Clinton is corrupt and has a bad plan. I have new hope after the Brexit referendum which was largely won by Boris Johnson and his skills to put true things in plain words in his speeches and editorials. After so many years of stupid policies the world needs a change through creative destruction. Trump is doing just that. I am also glad to see that there are still so many decent Americans who get up and fight for freedom - a rare sight in a world dominated by bureaucrats and other dictators. Chapeau! After the Brexit, this election is probably the most important political event of our generation.

steve said...

Markets think its a fait acompli. Hillary will win and GOP maintains house. Anything can happen but the MARKET is rarely wrong.

Anonymous said...

The best catch words of the election - "Drain the Swamp."

Post election: wipe and flush CONgress.

According to a professor's survey, most rent seeking
baccalaureates believe that America invented slavery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex, can I have Stupid Americans for a thousand.

Johnny Bee Dawg said...

Ralf....could not agree more.
This election is fantastic. And it pisses off all the right people.
Indictments coming soon. Clinton Foundation going down.
Brexit and Trump are putting World government and Marxism on hold.

Drain the swamp. Make America Great Again.
End the lawlessness. Even the part of America who sleeps thru life is about to see how disgusting the people are that have been ruling this country and trampling the Constitution.

Come now, FBI. God bless the NYPD.

Anonymous said...

Short oil and go long natty in the latter part
of the month.

Corn and wheat selling at multi-years lows. Time to
take a position.

Unknown said...

I'd love to see the Clinton crime family exposed, but not at the expense of electing Trump.
The French had an appropriate saying during their 2002 Presidential Election between Chirac and Jean Marie Le Pen.

They said "Vote for the Crook, Not the Fascist. It's Important".

I am surprised something comparable didn't catch on here. Trump is a horrible human being in every way imaginable. I'd much rather have the status quo Clinton corruption for another four years in the hopes of a viable alternative in 2020. Trump can't change anything for the better anyways - he will only do damage to this country. He is in every way the criminal the Clinton's are and likely much, much worse. Some of the posters here seem to be believers in the historical arsonist theory (burn it all down!), but I would rather my family and friends don't get caught in that fire. Maybe a better scenario is for a Clinton victory followed by a swift impeachment.

I am starting to get nervous. Nate Silver's 538 had a 90% chance of Clinton victory just two week ago and today that is down to 65%.

Benjamin Cole said...

If the Chicago Cubs can win the WS in extra innings in Game 7, then anything can happen. Maybe Trump.

Let us hope he listens to his better angels, if so.

Benjamin Cole said...

If the Chicago Cubs can win the WS in extra innings in Game 7, then anything can happen. Maybe Trump.

Let us hope he listens to his better angels, if so.

William said...

Interesting that the US equity markets fall when they get a whiff that The Donald has a slight change of becoming President of the United States of America.

Although the S&P 500 is only 3% from its high, it is enough to wipe out most of this year's gain. And it is at a four month low and only a couple points from its 200 day moving average.

I'm completely flummoxed why that should be the case when The Donald is going to Make America Great Again.

Johnny Bee Dawg said...

Hoping and praying for a Trump victory, and indictments for every person of note at the Clinton Foundation.
Had enough sub 3% GDP growth, UnConstitutional ObamaCare, Benghazi, ISIS, Brown Shirts, Voter Fraud, Pay to Play, criminally mishandled classified docs, media collusion, CFR and constant lies and coverups. And covering up for her serial rapist/pedophile husband.

Had enough of PUBs capitulating instead of fighting socialism.

Blows my mind that people willingly vote for all of that immorality and incompetence, and think it helps markets.
Blows my mind that people don't mind adding even more Marxists to the Supreme Court, and think the country remains great.

Markets fell almost 20% after Reagan was elected, and he Made America Great Again.

Drain the Swamp

Anonymous said...

Good to have the Dawg back again!