Monday, June 16, 2014

Blogging will be light for a few weeks

Today we're off to visit friends and family in Argentina for a few weeks. This promises to be a grueling and daily series of lunches, dinners and parties lasting until 3 or 4 in the morning. Despite all that hard work I still expect to have time to follow the markets and post occasionally, perhaps with some local color.


tom said...

safe travels!

Anonymous said...

The local "color" is greatly appreciated.

Donny Baseball said...

Sounds fun. Stay safe, it must be particularly dangerous for a yanqui imperialist to travel now that our SCOTUS hasn't allowed Argentina to legally duck out on its debts.

Anonymous said...

Keep your head down now that the Supremes ruled against Argentina.

Anonymous said...

"This promises to be a grueling and daily series of lunches, dinners and parties lasting until 3 or 4 in the morning."

LOL! Have fun and be sure to wear your tour operator badge - Senor Pablo Escobar.

George Phillies said...

"... a grueling and daily series of lunches, dinners and parties lasting until 3 or 4 in the morning."

I know it will be really challenging, but someone had to do it, so thank you for volunteering.