Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Going to Argentina

We're on our way to Argentina today for a few weeks. I'm looking forward to catching up on all the crazy things the government is doing to try to avoid another big devaluation. I'm also interested to know how the government plans to run YPF better than Repsol has. Before YPF was privatized in the 90s, it held the honor of being the world's most inefficient oil company, thanks to mismanagement by a series of peronist governments. It's deja vu all over again, it seems. In any event, we'll be seeing lots of friends and family and enjoying good food and wine in the process, so blogging may be light for awhile.


PD Dennison said...


Enjoy the trip and do fill us in on the happens in Argentina. Nationalizing businesses has always turns out great. Even GM will learn that lesson in the longer-run.

Please include pictures!

We do live in interesting times!

Cabodog said...

Safe travels Scott. said...

Don't get sideways w/ the 'regime' down there!

William said...

Bon Voyage!!

Louis Cyphre said...

Have great time, Mr. Grannis. Do tell us about your impressions when you get the chance.

steve said...

in other words, you're posting to get a tax write off. what, you think we're stupid?

Anonymous said...

Please keep this to yourselves, but Mr Grannis trip is at the behest of the Spanish government!

Do you not love it, when one socialist government rips off another...

Let this be an investment lesson..

Louis, great looking picture!

Louis Cyphre said...

Thank you, Hans! :-)

Chi Guy said...
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Unknown said...

see you soon dad!!!!