Thursday, November 17, 2011

Good morning from Honolulu

We're in Honolulu for a few days, visiting our son and doing some business-related stuff. I snapped this photo (using my new iPhone) about 20 minutes ago from his window looking West—a magnificent rainbow. I thought this would make a nice contrast to the gloom that has once again descended on the markets. It's also a reminder that even as hundreds of billions of debt gets wiped out on the other side of the planet, life still goes on everywhere. The buildings don't disappear, and people keep going to work every day. The U.S. economy is growing. There are all sorts of problems in the world, but chances are good they will get resolved one way or the other without plunging the world into another Dark Age. Billions of free people working in free markets have a remarkable capacity to withstand adversity and overcome seemingly impossible obstacles.

Next week we'll be in Maui for a family reunion, a present to ourselves for having made it through 40 years of married life and having raised four wonderful children. Lots to look forward to, so blogging may be on the light side for awhile.


  1. A propos of nothing, discovered with my new Iphone 4s that if you just hold it to your ear (unlocked) Siri will start automatically...

    Very cool

    One thing about Hawaii -- its the only "air conditioned" country in the world. Temperature is always perfect

  2. Thanks for the beautiful photo.
    Congratulations on your 40 years of marriage and enjoy Hawaii.

  3. Congratulations! Enjoy your trip.

  4. Obviously doing a copycat Occupy Hawaii movement...enjoy :)

  5. Congrats on your 40 years or bliss! Thanks to you for your wonderful research notes. I've been reading for about a month now and have really enjoyed your insights. Aloha!

  6. Congratulations on the 4 & 40!

    And thanks for the photo - maybe the stormy header to the blog is due for replacement?

  7. Congrats Scott on 40 yrs, this months is my 10th! Thankyou also for providing daily insights without the usual bs from the news and journalists. Keeps my head straight and focusing only on what is most important and what is really happening in the markets.

  8. tom: apropos of Occupy Honolulu, there is a small rag-tag group of about 30-40 individuals camped out on the corner of Beretania and Ward (Thomas Square) with a big "Occupy Honolulu" banner behind them. Very unimpressive.

  9. congrats on 40 years Scott!

