Friday, July 30, 2010

Idyllic Imbabala

Before arriving in Victoria Falls, we spent two nights at the Imbabala Zambezi Safari Lodge, located just after you cross the border from Kasane, Botswana, to Zimbabwe. We had a very charming and beautifully decorated chalet, the porch of which you can see in the photo above, and the bed which you can see below.

Each unit had a spectacular view of the broad and lazy Zambezi river, shown below. The couple in the photo are Lowell and Linda Rice, good friends of ours who have done a fantastic job of organizing the trip. There is no way on earth we could have done and seen all that we have without their years of experience with Africa. 

Shown below is the main table which is set for breakfast. Karen Poole, the proprietor, had almost a dozen people on staff to attend to our party of 22. I had the best bacon and eggs ever, and later learned that the bacon, which looked like Canadian bacon, was actually Wart Hog bacon! That little animal may be the runt of Africa, but it is very tasty. Karen's blog is a running commentary on life at Imbabala, transporting you instantly to another world.

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